We do live in a microwave society. We all want whatever the latest thing is and we want it now. It is frustrating that a product that was supposed to be released by early January 2009 may not be offered prior to the 3Q of 2009. Impatience often leads to poor decisions. I've learned that with other purchases I've made in the past. Why settle for something that is less than what you hoped for only because you couldn't wait?

I've heard some suggest that this product will be obsolete by the time it moves to market. That is somewhat obsurd. From year to year, the "D's" and "O's" of the world just re-package their existing platforms without offering any real improvements to the products. There are no other products that offer Trinnov. There will be no other products (save the S/N R-972) that will offer Trinnov prior to the 997. Its not like there is some other great new innovation coming in the next year to make the 997 obsolete. Maybe you don't care about Trinnov. That's fine.

As for me? I will wait. To each his own.