If the 997 was available now, it would have been a no brainier for me as well. Like most of you, I have nothing but the highest praise for the equipment and the few times I had to contact Outlaw support, I was never disappointed.

However, Outlaw has it's hands tied with being at the mercy of SN. I understand the delay for the product and can only pray that the end result lives up to the hype. In the mean time, I went with the Onkyo 886 and it has performed flawlessly so far. The fact that I got it at a price that was comparably to what the new 997 would have cost me on it's introduction is what sealed it for me. So for now, I am enjoying the full updated audio codecs, video processing and the Audyssey which works well in my small HT.

I am looking forward to the introduction of the 997 and the early reviews. we just don't know when it will be and I need to move on to other things at this time. For those that can stay strong, I commend you, I tried, but I couldn't pass this one up...