
Was not joking.

If I'm going to pull out a vinyl record (because I don't have it on CD or SACD) then I prefer to listen to it with a judicious touch of dynamic range expansion and some elimination of clicks and pops.

That's how I prefer it - and I believe it sounds much better that way (and closer to the clean dynamics of CD).

On a new pre/pro I would prefer that all sources fed it digitally - but if I do need to feed it an analogue signal (say from my phono chain) then once there I want it converted to digital and kept that way (for switching / processing / who-knows-what-in-future)until it's then fed in analogue form to my amps. And if I'm going to be moving signals around digitally I'd prefer that it were through a simple single connection like HDMI.

I personally don't see a need (or a "point") to seek an all-analogue signal path. Digital does not offend me - or my hearing.

I'm neither preaching nor trying to convert anyone. Just answering your questions as honestly as possible.

Jeff Mackwood
Jeff Mackwood