Originally posted by Zdog:
Standing Waves?? Oh damn another chapter to the sega... I see I need to attened room prep 101 Lil better idea of the room.. It is 11 x 17 with the door in the back right of the room. These screen will be on the other 11' wall there is no light in the room.. As it is a former 1 car garage... It has dry wall walls and popcorn ceiling ...

Your paralell walls will cause certain frequencies to compound themselves causing "standing waves." If nothing is done to treat them, it will sound either boomy or glaring or both in your room to the excess of these frequencies. The best way to treat this would be to put some type of material on your walls to either absorb or diffuse these "waves." Two pro companies that sell this type of product and also can give you much more information about acoustics are:


Both these websites offer very useful information about setting up good listening rooms.

One other question on a semi-related topic. Have you thought about a screen for your projector? Good home theater screens can be really expensive. You can try the DIY route to save some money. Do a search on this website for more info and projects:


Good luck!