I think you'll do pretty well with the Axioms. They do offer the in-home trial period so you can try them out. Remember to leave some space between your mains and your front wall as they are rear ported speakers. If you don't, you end up with a real boomy sound. (I tried out one of the Axiom bookshelf models and that was its only downfall. I didn't have the space in the room to get it out from the wall far enough) Those QS8 surrounds have gotten some really great reviews. The only change would be that you might want to try out different subs before going with the Axiom version. It's a good sub, but more highly recommended ones do exist for about the same money. If you can do the package without the sub, you should be pretty well off. Look forward to hearing about your experiences....

Note: Don't forget about the room!! It's really that important to your overall experience. For example, if your room is nice and rectangular as you described it, watch out for those standing waves!!