so your question is better speakers or better electronics? that is always tough as they typically go hand in hand. if either is poor the overall performance will suffer. typically a speaker has the most impact on how something sounds, while a processor must have the desirable inputs/outputs and processing capabilities. that is not to say that two processors with the same specs/electronics will put out the same sound... but if you pick two processors to compare with very similar specs they will sound more similar than two speakers with same specs... i guess that is a round-a-about way of saying that i would make sure i get speakers that i like, as long as my processor has at least the minimum features that i want. (features including all electronic components!) then your decision is pre/pro and amp or receiver. gonk points out that a pre/pro and amp is more easily upgraded, and he is correct in the sense that you can retain your amp, but keep in mind that a new pre/pro is not cheap. if you are into a high end system (and cost) then pre/pro with amp is best because you can afford to spend the bucks on a new processor, if not then receivers may be better because you can usually sell them more easily and then purchase a new one. however receivers are usually never upgradeable while some processors are (so they can outlast a receiver). getting a pre/pro and amp requires more cabling. having said that most discriminating people would not choose a receiver. id buy speakers, processor/amp, source (dvd, etc.), power conditioning, cabling, furniture for your equipment, and then extras like remotes, room acoustics, etc. in that order of importance usually. if you put a bigger investment in your speakers you can feel safer because they are not as technologically driven as a processor; therefore, they wont need to be replaced for a long time. i hope this helps prioritize your buying, i didnt give any specific brands (buy what you like), but you are at least on the right path (being here) and good luck. be sure to demo as much as you can before you buy it or get a good return policy.

[This message has been edited by curegeorg (edited January 21, 2004).]
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