Actually, Videodrome, I read Tolkien as a kid. I didn't make it through the entire trilogy, but I recall liking what I read enough to go see the first animated feature-length movie back at the turn of the '80s. I'm sure I'll get around to seeing Peter Jackson's work at some point. When you think about it, the acting pool alone (Viggo M, Jeffrey Monahan, Ian McKellen, etc.) is kind of amazing.

As for Eastern Promises, I find it kinda interesting that David Cronenberg paired Mortensen with blonde actresses who look eerily similar in Promises and History Of Violence. I wouldn't say Naomi Watts and Maria Bello are interchangeable (both are excellent), but I remember kinda doing a mental double-take the first time I saw Promises.
This ain't for the underground. This here is for the sun."
-Saul Williams