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#79785 - 05/28/08 09:39 PM Welcome
PeterT Offline

Registered: 11/19/05
Posts: 263

After seeing enough posts asking for it, we felt it was about time to add this new topic area to the saloon. We all love movies and I must admit that I spent much of my misspent youth in darkened theaters all day every Saturday.

It was a love of movies and movie soundtracks that pulled me into this career. I could go on for paragraphs talking about some of the Hollywood connections we established in this area, but I'm afraid it would bore most readers.

This section will be to talk about what's new (and old) in films It is for discussion and debate and just a place where you can share your thoughts about a wonderful pastime.

So here is my first comment: I just saw the "alternate ending" to I Am Legend and I felt it was clearly superior to the original ending. In my opinion, this ending would have been much more successful at the box office. For those who saw this movie, I encourage you to seek out this final scene and comment here.

Now to kick this area off, I would like those who are interested, to answer these six questions:

1. Which movie scared you the most?

2. Which movie mad you laugh the most?

3. Which movie choked you up or brought you to tears?

4.. Which movie made you the most tense?

5. Which movie caused you to think or wonder the most?

6. Finally, if you were going to be trapped on a desert Island for a year and could only bring one movie, what would it be?

Peter Tribeman

#79786 - 05/29/08 12:57 AM Re: Welcome
Laventura Offline

Registered: 05/21/06
Posts: 195
Loc: Montréal,PQ
let's get the ball rolling...
Taking a cue from the bossman himself.... smile
Thank you Mr.Tribeman ...
it's nice to see Outlaw customer support go beyond necessity...
here are my answers...
1. scariest
The Omen (original way back when)+ halloween(same)
intro of scary movie 2(nearly peed my pants)
3.kleenex special
Babe (that'll do pig moment is a killer for me)
4.goose bump-iest
Cape Fear
first time seeing the Matrix
Snatch...I don't know why...no dull moments...but..
I must also mention Dobbermann...my all time favorite cops&robbers flick...
Outlaw 1070-Mirage M-290(main)+MCC(center)+Omnisat Micro(sides) nanosat(back)+ +PS12-90(sub)-Technics SL-5 turtable+Cambridge Audio 540P-HTPC - SamsungDTB-H260F HDTV tuner - Optoma HD 20 +100' Draper screen -lots of spaghetti and toys

#79787 - 05/29/08 01:26 AM Re: Welcome
garcianc2003 Offline

Registered: 07/23/06
Posts: 274
Loc: Washington, DC
1. Which movie scared you the most?
The Exorcist
(seen in the theater in '74)

2. Which movie made you laugh the most?
So I married an Axe Murderer

3. Which movie choked you up or brought you to tears?
Field of Dreams, Saving Private Ryan (tie)

4.. Which movie made you the most tense?
The Passion of the Christ

5. Which movie caused you to think or wonder the most?

6. Finally, if you were going to be trapped on a desert Island for a year and could only bring one movie, what would it be?

Glitter (just kidding...)
O Brother Where Art Thou (I can probably watch that another 300 times)

#79788 - 05/29/08 02:06 AM Re: Welcome
rubbersoul Offline

Registered: 02/27/06
Posts: 383
Loc: folsom, pa.
This should be an interesting part of the forum,another good suggestion from the head Outlaw.
I personally met Peter at many HT shows over the last 7 or 8 years and always enjoyed his intro to Outlaws ALWAYS grand slam demos.
Miss those Home Theater Show Peter.

Which movie scared you the most?
The Exorcist...could not sleep for three days.

Which movie mad you laugh the most?
There's Something About Mary...Laughed continuously out loud.

Which movie choked you up or brought you to tears?
The Passion of Christ...horrible what man does to his fellow man.

Which movie made you the most tense?
Alien...Kept me on the edge of my seat.

Which movie caused you to think or wonder the most?
Matrix...Complicated, maybe to much thinking.

If you were going to be trapped on a desert Island for a year and could only bring one movie, what would it be?
It's A Wonderful Life...I would not want to be on a desert island...ever! But if I was I would want to have the comfort of home.

Hope we meet again Peter at another Outlaw demostration.
Outlaw 990/7700
Conrad Johnson Premier140 Tube Amplifier
Conrad Johnson 17LS MKll Pre Amp
B&W 803D2’s HTM3S DS7's
HSU Subwoofer
Mitsubishi 6800 Projector
Da-Lite Screen,
Oppo BDP93
PS Audio DSD
Stack Variac
Nakamichi cables Audio 8 cables

#79789 - 05/29/08 02:53 AM Re: Welcome
Scott Offline

Registered: 01/07/10
Posts: 673
1. Which movie scared you the most?

The Omen, I think...

2. Which movie mad you laugh the most?

One of the following three:
A. American Pie
B. Office Space
C. Happy Gilmore

3. Which movie choked you up or brought you to tears?

This one's EASY!!
Field of Dreams

4.. Which movie made you the most tense?

Black Hawk Down

5. Which movie caused you to think or wonder the most?


6. Finally, if you were going to be trapped on a desert Island for a year and could only bring one movie, what would it be?

Does this count?

If not, I guess I'd settle for Top Gun.

7. Finally2...favorite all time movie ending?

The Usual Suspects

#79790 - 05/29/08 04:53 AM Re: Welcome
AvFan Offline

Registered: 09/12/05
Posts: 619
Loc: El Cajon, California
Great topic; thanks for adding it. My choices are:

1. Which movie scared you the most? Alien. Just when you thought Ripley was safe that bad***ed monster uncoiled right next to her.

2. Which movie mad you laugh the most? Blazing Saddles. It is so politically incorrect it is a classic.

3. Which movie choked you up or brought you to tears? Big Fish. It just hit a little too close to home.

4.. Which movie made you the most tense? Black Hawk Down. I heard Michael Durant (crew member in one of the shot down Blackhawks) speak about his experience and then saw the movie. Wow!!

5. Which movie caused you to think or wonder the most? Castaway. How would I handle such isolation?

6. Finally, if you were going to be trapped on a desert Island for a year and could only bring one movie, what would it be? Young Frankenstein. That movie is one great line after another.
Outlaw 976 | ATI 2005 | M&K 850s Left, Center & Right, Surround-55s, MX-70B Sub | Harmony 950 remote | Panamax 5100 | OPPO UDP-203 | LG OLED55B7

#79791 - 05/30/08 02:00 AM Re: Welcome
nfaguys Offline

Registered: 04/09/05
Posts: 500
Loc: Maine
I hope that PeterT who started this thread doesn't mind if I deviate a little (or a lot).

Current movies are so different in their format from the good oldies. For example now there's lots of overt sex, lots of violence...and special effects.

In some cases much of that is good. For example the thrillers and complex action plots.

What I and Mrs. nfaguys enjoy are lots of Turner Classic on the TCM channel on dishnetwork. Somehow the MGM musicals were magic !!!! OTOH Citizen Kane, Fountainhead etc (non-musicals) are great. I also like the Ingmar Bergman movies.

What I really go after are the movies, though sometimes kinda hokey with famous musical stars.
For example the first movie with Frank Sinatra was "Higher & Higher". Crummy plot but great music. ALso had Victor Borge, Mel Torme, Nancy Walker, Jack Haley...and this was like 1941. Also the Tommy Dorsey movie "DuBarry Was a Lady" with REd Skelton and Lucille Ball. Then, don;t forget the Glenn Miller movies-I mean the ones with Glenn and his orchestra: "Sun Valley Serenaded" and "Orchestra Wives", both of which were hard to get until Laserdiscs (remember them>) came out. Others that are great are "Man With the Golden Arm" (Frank Sinatra..and a cameo with Shorty Rogers and Shelly Manne). Then there's "Bell, Book and Candle" with Jimmy Stewart & Kim Novak. And for me there is a big plus: During the Nightclub scene (Zodiak) there's a sequence where Jack Lemmon plays bongos and the two trumpet players are Pete and Conte Candol. For me that's specia;. Sol I guess I look for the musical treasures in these old movies (and old TV shows).

Anyone not aware of the INTERNET MOVIE DATABASE should log onto www.imdb.com. Lots of interesting documentary information.

Thanks for the movie forum, PeterT.
Best wishes to Gonk for speedy recovery, while good listening.
Living Room:
5.1 Surround and 4channel inline room
990/7700/6-KEF-107s/LFM1 x 2/ SMS Awaiting Trinnov
Millenium dts decoder;Digital Director
Players: Tascam CD01U/SonyCX455 x 3/DV955/BDP83
Old Sony 60" SXRD TV
Zone 2 (also liv-Room: listening to music while Mrs watches TV): Crown SL2 preamp/D40 Amp/Stax Headphones

My "Man-cave":
4 channel-only inline room. No TV (thank heaven)!!!
990/755/4-KEF 107s
Tascam CD01U/dts decoder/digital director
Alesis 16x4x2 mixer
Recorders Alesis HD24/ML9600/Crown CX844s/SonyDAT/Tascam DA38
Ham Radio Shack (KB1STH) ICOM/Yaesu/Drakes x 3

#79792 - 05/30/08 02:25 AM Re: Welcome
XenonMan Offline

Registered: 04/08/08
Posts: 2676
Loc: Columbus,North Carolina
1. Which movie scared you the most?
The Exorcist(74) and Jaws(75). Saw them both in theatres and I haven't seen a movie yet to compare.

2. Which movie made you laugh the most?
Quest for the Holy Grail

3. Which movie choked you up or brought you to tears?
What Dreams May Come, Ghost

4.. Which movie made you the most tense?
Jaws was hard to beat.

5. Which movie caused you to think or wonder the most?
Hotel Rwanda

6. Finally, if you were going to be trapped on a desert Island for a year and could only bring one movie, what would it be?

Braveheart or Saving Private Ryan (Tie)
Music system
Model 990/7500/Magnepan 1.6 QRs/Technics SL1200 MK2/Aperion S-12 Subwoofer/OWA3/Sony NS75H DVD
APC H15 Power Conditioner

TV System
Large Advent Loudspeakers/ Polk center/Monoprice surrounds/Panasonic Viera 42 inch/Onkyo HT-RC260/Sony BDP S590/Directv

Home Theater System
Onkyo PR-SC886/Outlaw 7125 Klipsch RF-82 L/R,RC-62 center, RB-35 SR/SL, BENQ HT1075, Outlaw LFM1-EX/OPPO BDP-83/Directv
Harmony ONE
Blue Jeans and Monoprice interconnects
APC H15 Power Conditioner

#79793 - 05/30/08 01:55 PM Re: Welcome
tru blu Offline

Registered: 09/04/06
Posts: 406
Loc: Brooklyn, NY
These things change all the time, but this week…

1. The Silence of the Lambs.

2. Hard to be definitive on this one, but probably Being John Malkovich.

3. When the Levees Broke: A Requiem In Four Acts - Spike Lee's unbelievable documentary about Hurricane Katrina.

4. 13 Tzameti - Oddball French thing about Russian roulette.

5. Paradise Now - Last days of Palestinian suicide bombers.

6. Another hard one, but probably something by Martin Scorsese.
This ain't for the underground. This here is for the sun."
-Saul Williams

#79794 - 05/30/08 07:15 PM Re: Welcome
Videodrome Offline

Registered: 09/11/06
Posts: 325
Loc: Fairfax Station, VA
Thanks for creating this board Peter!

1. Which movie scared you the most? "The Legend of Boggy Creek." I think I was about 7 years old at the time and it scared all hell out of me. Especially that scene with the guy on the toilet.

2. Which movie mad you laugh the most? "Death Wish III." Though I was in college and in an, er, altered state of mind at the time.

3. Which movie choked you up or brought you to tears? "The Elephant Man" would definitely be high on the list.

4.. Which movie made you the most tense? The Russian roulette scene at the prison camp in "The Deer Hunter."

5. Which movie caused you to think or wonder the most? At least in recent memory, "Mullholland Drive"

6. Finally, if you were going to be trapped on a desert Island for a year and could only bring one movie, what would it be? "The Godfather, Part II."
Outlaw 970
McCormack DNA-125 (mains), Emotiva LPA-1 (surrounds)
Quad 11L (F&C) Wharfedale (R) LFM1 (Sub) w/ SMS-1
Squeezebox -> Behringer SRC2496 -> Musiland MD10 DAC
Sota Sapphire; Marantz 10B;
Video: Hitachi 42HDS52A; Oppo 971H
System Pics

#79795 - 05/31/08 04:41 AM Re: Welcome
tru blu Offline

Registered: 09/04/06
Posts: 406
Loc: Brooklyn, NY
Apropos of nothing:

I just visited a site I hadn't been to in awhile, and something funny happened. I couldn't remember my password, so the site prompted me to answer a security question…we all know the drill, the question is something you actually chose when you first signed in, usually something like, "your mother's maiden name" or the "the town you were born in."

What's odd is that my question was, "What's your favorite movie?", which totally threw me because normally my reflex would be to never choose that question…I've seen waaayyyyy too many great films for the answer to remain fixed. But after about 30 seconds of thought (i.e., piecing together a time frame of when I first registered for the site), I guessed: Dogville by Lars Von Trier. That was it!

Now, to be totally honest I'm still not sure that's my favorite movie (it's actually more like a video of a piece of theater), but the performances (Nicole Kidman, Paul Bettany, Ben Gazzara, Lauren Bacall) clearly made an impression. Warning to anyone interested: You can't come to Von Trier's work looking for anything lighthearted; the worst possible outcome always ends up happening. I remember Dogville angering a lot of people at the time, so maybe that's a better recommendation than I can give. Just thought I'd share…
This ain't for the underground. This here is for the sun."
-Saul Williams

#79796 - 06/01/08 02:35 AM Re: Welcome
Bill O Offline

Registered: 08/14/06
Posts: 164
Loc: Missouri
Scared the most : Exorcist

Funniest;" Idiocracy" wth " Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas " very close 2nd.

Brought to tears : "Of Mice and Men " and " A Gift from Heaven "

Most tense :" Narc "

Think the most: "Freedom to Fascism"

If I could only watch one movie for the rest of my life: "Sargent York" or the "Searchers"

#79797 - 07/16/08 01:58 PM Re: Welcome
randy tee Offline

Registered: 06/18/08
Posts: 38
1. Scarist= The Exorist
2. funnist= Animal house
3. Tears galore= Brian's Song
4. Tense= Jaws
5. Think= 12 angry men

#84069 - 06/22/10 10:31 PM Re: Welcome [Re: PeterT]
Brenda R Offline
Deputy Gunslinger

Registered: 06/22/10
Posts: 1
Well, great work! You have helped me to improve my knowledge about this field. Thank you so much for sharing.

Watch Free Movies Online

#84572 - 09/08/10 05:03 AM Re: Welcome [Re: PeterT]
Madon Offline
Deputy Gunslinger

Registered: 09/08/10
Posts: 1
Loc: Philippines
Originally Posted By: PeterT

After seeing enough posts asking for it, we felt it was about time to add this new topic area to the saloon. We all love movies and I must admit that I spent much of my misspent youth in darkened theaters all day every Saturday.

It was a love of movies and movie soundtracks that pulled me into this career. I could go on for paragraphs talking about some of the Hollywood connections we established in this area, but I'm afraid it would bore most readers.

This section will be to talk about what's new (and old) in films It is for discussion and debate and just a place where you can share your thoughts about a wonderful pastime.

So here is my first comment: I just saw the "alternate ending" to I Am Legend and I felt it was clearly superior to the original ending. In my opinion, this ending would have been much more successful at the box office. For those who saw this movie, I encourage you to seek out this final scene and comment here.

Now to kick this area off, I would like those who are interested, to answer these six questions:

1. Which movie scared you the most?

2. Which movie mad you laugh the most?

3. Which movie choked you up or brought you to tears?

4.. Which movie made you the most tense?

5. Which movie caused you to think or wonder the most?

6. Finally, if you were going to be trapped on a desert Island for a year and could only bring one movie, what would it be?

Peter Tribeman

My answers:

1. Saw Movies
2. Ice Age
3. A Frozen Flower (Korean Film)
4. The Martyrs
5. Inception
6. Madagascar 2
Happy Birthday
Kelley Blue Book

#86876 - 05/01/11 08:17 AM Re: Welcome [Re: PeterT]
mgdurand Offline

Registered: 11/21/03
Posts: 147
Loc: Lafayette, LA, USA
Know this is a little late, but here are my picks:

1. Which movie scared you the most?

Aliens (second Alien movie).

2. Which movie made you laugh the most?

The Producers (Zero Mostel version).

3. Which movie choked you up or brought you to tears?

Deep Impact.

4.. Which movie made you the most tense?

Live Free and Die Harder.

5. Which movie caused you to think or wonder the most?

Dark City.

6. Finally, if you were going to be trapped on a desert Island for a year and could only bring one movie, what would it be?

Batman Begins.

Edited by mgdurand (05/01/11 08:18 AM)
75" 4K HDR Sony XBR 75X95k mini-LED TV
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Mirage HDT Speaker System (LCR [OM-5s for L&R and HDT-F for center], SR, SL, SBR, SBL [HDT-Rs])
Dual SVS PB12-Plus Subs
Outlaw Audio Model 7900 Power Amp w/Dual Emotiva CMX-2
AudioControl BijouTM THX� Equalizer
Rega RP1 Turntable
Dual Panamax M5300-PM Power Conditioners
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