Originally posted by curegeorg:
you could hang some thick curtains around the room.

Thick curtains...man...I really have to remember that one.

Curtains would be a quick compromise that while reducing some high end frequencies in the room, they would probably not do much for overall system continuity. I will admit that acoustics does take a bit of luck ontop of the science involved thus somebody finding good results from just adding curtains probably just got lucky.

Originally posted by curegeorg:
my point is not to go overboard with the treatments, you could save all that $$ and do something else that would make a lot more impact

While it is true that people do go overboard with treatments, proper treatment of your listening space will make a bigger difference in your system than almost anything else. The only downfall is that after treatment you might actually hear what your system really does sound like. Scary thought for some...

[This message has been edited by Jason J (edited January 14, 2004).]