Adcom still makes an awesome Amp, but the Pre-Amp has issues. It has an audible tick when you increase or decrease the volume, it has a slight hiss audible in all channels and now the left channel is not working. He wants to send it to Adcom for repairs, but the 2 year waranty is up and I know they will charge him at least 5 bills to fix it. I told him that the Outlaw is a superior product at half of the price and he could return it in 30 days for a full refund if he is not satisfied. We've used Adcom products since the late 80's/early 90's. Adcom was the Outlaw of its day giving you huge bang for your buck. The music system in my home today still consists of my college dorm system, an Adcom GFA 545 II paired with the GTP 400 Pre-Amp tuner driving a pair of Infinity Kappa 5's and a sub. I have yet to hear a speaker that can match the original Kappa series with the Emit K tweeters for overall dynamics, sound stage and musicality. The GTP 830 is not the Adcom I grew up with, but with my father old loyalties fade hard.