Hi Wayne,

Thanks for the great suggestions. Like yours, my system is top-notch, but alas, I have bad acoustics in my room that drives me crazy. My gear includes nice pieces like the Lexicon MC-12 and the Aerial 10Ts, so don't think it's the gear that's causing the trouble, but the room.

I've played around with crossovers and placement, but in particular, I have a lot of trouble with dialog intelligibility. (My system's, that is, not mine! )

I agree with your philosophy of only cutting, never adding. I've only added on rare circumstances; I try to cut whenever possible.

Here, here's a specific question for you: how long is "long enough" to get a good measurement on Slow on the RTA? Is ten seconds long enough, or should it be longer?

I'm going to check the THX web page and see if they have a PDF of the guide you mention.

Thanks again for the suggestions! You da man!
