My plus arrived last week while I was in Germany, along with the SMS-1 (I also got the package) and the 990. Could not wait to get back home to hook things up. So far I have replaced my 950 with the 990 and my old sub with the LFM-1+. Did the self calibration with the 990, and that is all I have had time to do so far.

In terms of the performance of the plus, I am indeed impressed so far. My old sub did not match well with my Thiels for music. So far I'd say the plus is quite musical. I've given it a workout this week as time allowed with a range of music, from hard core metal to large orchestras to jazz, and many things in between. It is fast, tight, musical, and does not draw undue attention to itself. And it seems almost "bottomless" in terms the how low it can go.

I still need to do some tweaking. I'll engage the SMS-1 this weekend. So I am confident the performance will even get better. Gonk is quite right. Outlaw's guide for the SMS-1 is worth the time to read.

Hoping to test with some of my favorite movie sound tracks this weekend too.
Outlaw 990/755/LFM-1+; Velodyne SMS-1
Thiel CS1.6/SCS3/PowerPlane 1.2
Mapleshade cables & interconnects
Roku Soundbridge M2000/M1000(x2)
Denon DVD-2910
Mitsubishi WS-65869
Tice Powerblock III