Originally posted by gonk:
Sounds like you are putting together a nice setup. We'll look forward to hearing what you think of the 9.8/7500 partnership. What speakers will you be driving?
I have older Def Tech 2002 bi-polar fronts, their CLR2300 center, with Paradigm (380?) bi-polars for surrounds. Was using a Marantz SR18 receiver, and will probably keep it because I can't sell it for anywhere near its value. Recently I bought an Oppo 980 and noticed considerable improvement in separation from an older Sony player. With the 9.8 doing True HD and DTS M/A decoding, I'm thinking of getting a good price on the already obsolete Panny BD30 player. Like I said, this may be the bassackwards way of doing things, but I can't afford to upgrade the speakers, and I do love those powered subs in the mains.
"Boys never grow up...their toys just get bigger and more expensive" - my ex

Def Tech BP2002 w/powered subs
Def Tech CLR 2300 center
Paradigm ADP 350 surrounds
Integra DTC 9.8
Outlaw 7500
Oppo 980 DVD, SACD, DVD-A player