From hearing you situation, I would say that you are probably not only experiencing an increase in voltage, but a change in the actual frequency as well.
As with most generators (deisel, gas, etc) your wind turbine probably has a set tolerance for change in frequency as well as voltage. This has to do with the mechanical process of moving parts to create the electricity. After all a generator is really nothing but a motor being run backwards.
Esentially what is sounds like, is you are being directly fed the back EMF from the turbine strait into your home power.
Most likely a voltage regenerator is you best option. Surge protectors and power conditioners try to protect from voltage surges (low and high) and try to filter out noise. A voltage regenerator actually re-creates the 60Hz sine wave of a "perfect" power input.
Some clocks use the 60Hz to keep time, so if you frequency is increased by a really fast wind, any clock of that type would speed up.
Outlaw Audio 990
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