Originally posted by Smart Little Lena:
...But when your factoring performance across the board, Last I was keeping track the Pioneer would beat the Panny in sound. (particularly in straight CD play) And I would not trade my RP91 for either one of them ... I chose the RP91 (DVD-A only) for a combo of factors, scaling for a 16.9 screen being my priority at the time.

I too have been very happy with the Panasonic RP91. I believe it has slightly better video resolution than the RP82, but is essentially the same... both have a CD upsample feature that I think provides great value.

SLL... do you use the upsample (Remaster) feature that converts 16bit/44MHz CD to a 24bit/88MHz signal?
I have found that in "Remaster 2" mode, using the RP91's D/A (Outlaw 950 in bypass mode), the quality of CD music is significantly improved.

Of the three Remaster settings, 1,2 & 3, I have settled on 2 for most listening, but the upsample algorithim is slightly different for each. Have you found this feature benficial? and if so, how do you do use it?

