I have to say this is really inspiring to see such beautiful cabinetwork. I have been on the market for a sub woofer to be used 50/50 music/HT but I have been a little intimidated as to what kit I should choose. I know that I am handy enough to put some kit together although it would have to be pre-cut since I don’t have access to a good saw (just a drill, sander, pipe clamps and hand tools). As far as subwoofer design goes, what factors go into making a “good” product?

What makes a sub more “musical” versus good for HT (I assume if it is good “musically” and has enough output/range it will be good for HT too.)

Pro/cons of a sealed vs. vented box.

What impacts does the shape of the enclosure have on the sound (cube vs. rectangular) or is it just about the volume and the drive choice?

What are the pro/cons of having a passive radiator? Also what does the mass have to do with a PR?

Is it better to brace internally or to just beef up the cabinet itself i.e. thicker wood?

What do you do about an amp and controls if you choose not to use one of those plate amps?

So far I have been most interested in Acoustic Visions and Stryke Audio. In particular SA’s kit for the little brother of wmeckle’s brute force monster looks like fun. The other side of the coin is that I just say the heck with it and get an SVS or wait for the Outlaws’ LFM. I would imagine that some of these questions are ones that other fence riders like myself might have when it come to DIY subs. What are you thoughts, guys?

[This message has been edited by Joshorr (edited June 27, 2003).]