Hey MZ,

Just read your very thorough review. My thoughts exactly. I don't know how any other 200 watt amp would compare but the 7500 definitely has made a good impression.

I've got the Axiom M80v2's home right now for a try out. I have had them for a little over a week and while they were hooked up to the 7125 they sounded nice but I wasn't overwhelmed. Then I hooked up the 7500 on Saturday. Wow, do these things love the extra power. Some of my O.K. CD's sound good but the well engineered CD's sound great! I didn't commit to the whole Epic 80 system because I didn't want to have to send the whole thing back if I didn't like them, so I've been doing mostly 2 channel listening. I figured the M80v2's would be a good test as to how the Axioms perform. I'm still not ready to commit 100% to Axiom yet but after hooking up the 7500 I'm well on my way.

I actually have some Magnapans showing up this week for a test drive. I'm curious to hear the maganplaner technology. We'll see.
