Thanks all. Not sure on speakers, as someone mentioned I am spending some time with this one. My problem is that I have VERY limited space, not just relatively small size, but no room without lots of doorways and openings, severely limiting the positioning options for any floorstanding speakers. So far looked into (just web research) PSB, Paradigm, Vandersteen, KEF, Ohm.

Been looking at Ohm's sub/sat setup w/Sat-3s front/center and powered sub. Have not heard any Ohm's in a long time. My father had a pair when I was growing up. Much like Outlaw, they are sold online only at Vandersteen makes a nice set of small fronts also. Hoping my existing small Infinity speakers will be usable as rears at least for a while but not sure on that.

Would love to have some towers for the front but I just dont think I have anywhere to put them in my current house