This is not necessarily a 970 question, but I'm asking for help from the experts here. I have noticed a big difference in audio quality between two sources and I'd like advice.
I'm running a 970 into an Acurus A150 to Vandersteen 2Ces (no sub). Most of my music is stored in WMA lossless on a NAS. The computer inputs digital optical to the 970. I also have a cheap philips dvd player using coaxial to the 970. The sound from the computer sounds very thin compared to the dvd player. The dvd player seems to have more bass, it's just a world of difference. I would like to continue using the computer, the convenience of selecting an eclectic playlist and letting it go is hard to give up. Are there any suggestions for improving sound from the computer? Could the coax be that much better? Would a sound card replacement make a difference? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.