Alright I have recieved the 970 and so far it sounds great. I have run in to a few what sounds like common issues already. The first beeing that the remote will not turn the unit on, but all other functions work including turning it off. The seccond is the switch for the 7.1 input when switched to digital shows didital on the screen, when switched to bypass it shows bypass on the screen, but when I switch it to the filter setting it will again display bypass. I am not sure if it suppose to show bypass or if it should show the filter setting, and if it is suppose to show the bypass mode when on the filter setting I do not hear a whole lot of audibal difference if any. Not that I listened very closely or for very long. Any input would be hand. The 970 sounds great for movies and music a big upgrade from the 1050.
Marantz SR57012,Panamax Power Conditioner, Rega P2 Turntable, Fronts - B&W 684 S3's, Center - B&W LCR600 S3, Surrounds - PSB Alpha, SVS SB4000 Sub woofer, LG 55" 4K LED Screen., SVS Speaker Cable.