Mine is not a ground problem either. At one time i was using a ground-loop isolator on my plasma's coax connector and that stopped the humming, but I was lucky to have more than one circuit in my listening room and I discovered that just re-arranging the power cords on separate surge protectors removed the humm, so I didn't need the isolator.

What I have now is exactly the same issue you're having, but I can only detect it in my center speaker, and to some extent, the sub. Just like in your case, when I turn on my amp the speaker is dead silent, but as soon as I power on the 970, the hiss is audible, and it sounds like it can damage the speaker.

I will call Outlaw tomorrow and see what they can do, but I'm not looking forward to a long wait and turnaround. Maybe this a good excuse for me to upgrade to HDMI-equpped unit?