If you disable the SW channel on the XA2, you still must find a way to boost the LFE signal by 10 dB due to the endoding on the disc. Redigitizing the audio will not accomplish this. Bass management will only redirect the bass...it will not boost the LFE signal in the process. That is why the SW channel exists.

I read that the source player (the XA2)cannot output the 10 dB, b/c that would over load the input on the pre/pro or receiver; that it must be done by the pre/pro in its last stage.

If I had large speakers all around, I wouldn't be having any trouble with my present setup. It's only when I try to redirect the base that it doesn't work. Having the subwoofer turned up to boost the LFE signal also makes the redirected bass much louder than it should be.

I guess it's just something I have to live with until I pickup a new pre/pro. Even if has HDMI, I would like this problem solved using the analog inputs.

Thank you for your help, gonk.