Very intersting.....thanks for the explanation And, just as a point of interest....I've had my new 970 for just a couple weeks and my overall impression is very favarable. I love the overall sound and especially the Trim on the fly capabilty. And, I feel either 2 or 5 channel stereo is the way to go for streaming or redbook music.....seems to sound the most natural.
The dolby and neo modes have kind of a resonance or echo sound that to me, at least, detract from the natural quality of the music.
Do you have a similar impression gonk?
B&W 804s mains
B&W HTM4 Center
Outlaw 990
Anthem MCA 30 AMP
Audiosource Stereo AMP
Monitor Radius 180 surround
Comcast DVR
Sony HX929 LED TV
Apple Air Express/Apple TV