I use some old but still great Citation 7.3 Dual Drive Dipole Surround speakers....very versatile....options for switching speaker to -single drive dipole - dual drive dipole - or single drive point source (monopole)....you can try different set ups with surrounds and see what works best for you.... depending on set up, room size, etc....for music or movies.....I bought these a long time ago, and they were pretty pricey way back (about $1200.00 each!!) and they sound great!!! Audiophile quality, and worth a try. Almost 30 lbs each!!! Right now on Ebay the Harmanaudio store has some REALLY CHEAP....these are the best deal going right now in my opinion, especially for the price they're selling at...they are a STEAL!!!!...Citation (Harman Kardon) made some great products in the past....This is a GREAT DEAL!!! Check them out!!!!

[This message has been edited by daddy_guy (edited May 16, 2003).]

[This message has been edited by daddy_guy (edited May 16, 2003).]