...(and other Outlaw products for that matter) what would it cost? The recent posts regarding the 970s value for the dollar go me to thinking:

Presumably, the Internet-direct marketing scheme Outlaw uses cuts out a lot of middleman mark up. When I worked retail, the margin on most speakers and electronics was around 50% (i.e. dealer cost was half of MSRP).

Don't know what manufacturer cost was back then, but for the point of the discussion, let's say it's the same margin as dealer cost. If Outlaw follows the same structure, that leaves them with the same profit margin as if they sold it through a retailer, without the associated hassles.

So if the comparisons are all 1:1:1, I'm thinking the 970 would cost $1,400 +/-. Or looking at it another way, you're getting a near $1,500 SSP for $699.

I think that may make sense anyhow, as the platform on which the 970 is based sells under another manufacturer (Sherwood, I think?) for about that price tag.
Outlaw 970
McCormack DNA-125 (mains), Emotiva LPA-1 (surrounds)
Quad 11L (F&C) Wharfedale (R) LFM1 (Sub) w/ SMS-1
Squeezebox -> Behringer SRC2496 -> Musiland MD10 DAC
Sota Sapphire; Marantz 10B;
Video: Hitachi 42HDS52A; Oppo 971H
System Pics