Yes, I have the latest firmware and confirmed the release number following the steps in the owner's manual. I also went as far as upgrading the firmware in my Oppo DV-970HD DVD player, since the no-audio problem got more frequent after I added that unit.

I don't particularly buy the "good enough for the price" argument and I don't think that's Outlaw's strategy (God, I hope not). The $250 Technics SH-AC5000D digital processor I had before I bought the Outlaw 970 was "good enough for the price". I hope Outlaw wants to be just as good as the more expensive units (just not as pretty) and not like the $250 units. That, I'm OK with. If I "got what I paid for" then now I wish I would have paid more.

I have done much to improve the acceptability of my system. I invested in one of those expensive universal, internet programmable remotes where my wife and kids just push the "watch a movie" button and everything happens. Everything, except for the 970 putting out any sound. My system might as well be sitting on milk crates and wire-hanger-rabbit-ears poking from behind everything, because I now have turned into my dad who I remember having to smack the TV, twist the channel knob, or the rabbit ears in order to get the thing to work.

Does the 990 suffer from the same condition?

da88: Outlaw's return policy lasts 30 days. I checked. I wasted a few weeks waiting for my home theatre to be built, so the 30 days passed in my case. My credit card company gives me 6 months consummer potection on any defective product, though. So I might go that route.