I have 990, and made a thread in that forum about the exact same "No audio" problems. I can very slightly hear my sub only when it occurs. After reading this entire thread, I know it is not just a 970 issue, but also applies to the 990. I have the newest firmware update, and am still having the issue.

Sometimes it occurs when first powering on the unit on, other times it is simply when I switch inputs. Does not matter if it is from Digital to digital switching, or analog to digital switching. It is completely random as well, as I can not recreate it by repeating the same process that caused the glitch before. I have tried everything I can to do so in an attempt to aid trouble shooting, but since it seems to be completely random it makes it a bit difficult.

Seriously, for the price of these units they should be bug free, at least on something this simple.

I install Theater and Automation systems for a living, and routinly use the same equipment for clients that I have at home as far as Sat receiver models, (Mine being the Directv H20) and DVD players being Denon, Onkyo, and Integra. I have had the bug with every one of these pieces of equipment at home, but never on different sytems out in the field, so simply saying it is a source device doesn't cut it, and sounds more like a cop out way of not dealing with the issue at hand. If it was a source device issue, then why is it that the cheapest POS sony box system receiver doesn't have the same issue with the same source components?

I am going to try tonight and see one last time if I can see a pattern to the glitch. Hopefully something can be done about it as it gets incredibly annoying having to turn a system off and then back on to correct the issue. Especially when I am showing off my system to either perspective clients, or my family members who come to me on what equipment to buy for themselves. Kinda hard to push Outlaw as being a great deal for great equipment when they sit there and watch it glitch like that.