As I mentioned it is a 950/7100 (not the 970 you had inquired about) with the 5.1 setup and Super 8 sub. Works well for the space I have. The sound is great. I typically use either 5-channel for backgound or BYPASS for other listening. I haven't really done a careful side-by-side with other speakers, so I am not sure how good/bad these speakers are, though I personally like the sound and have no real issues with them. They play loud and clear and it is essential to have a sub for the lower frequencies.

The 950 is older and I suspect the sound from the 970 would be even better.

Both Orb and Outlaw have good customer service. I have e-mailed Orb a number of times to have speaker related questions answered.

Not sure if I have answered your question - is there anything specific you would like to know?