
Just wanted to BUMP this thread to let people know that I meant what I said back on November 28th: that I would eventually order an SMS-1 the next time I was travelling to the US to try it out.

I placed my order with Steve today and expect to see it arrive at my hotel next week.

As described in the past I'm running a not-so-typical set-up with four subs in my main theatre. At present I run one cable from my 950's LFE output to a B&W sub, which has a pass-through connection that then heads to a pair of Velodynes. The signal is split just before them and they each see the same signal. The fourth sub is actually a homebuilt that takes the end result of a dbx 100 subharmonic synthesizer. I don't plan to include it in the SMS-1 set-up / loop, since I dial it in purely by/for "taste" depending on what I'm listening to.

(Here's where some comments / feedback would be appreciated.)

I'm planning to keep the other three subs hooked up exactly the same way as they are now - except with the SMS-1 inserted between the sub chain and the 950. Right now the three subs are pretty much perfectly level-balanced so my thinking is that all I need do is to pretend that that chain is just a single sub and let the auto-EQ funtion do its trick. (I'll likely try some manual adjustments in future, but right now the user's manual is not the clearest in that regard - so I'll stick to keeping it simple at first.) I still plan to leave all of my speakers set to "small" with a 40Hz crossover - since they truly are large full-range speakers. Anyone using an SMS-1, especially with multiple non-stereo configured subs, have any reason to believe that this whole set-up won't work well for me?

As reported over on the S&V Forums, I'm presently re-doing my main theatre and expect it to be completed in a couple of weeks. I'll post a link to fresh pics over here shortly thereafter. For now it seemed like a good time to add the SMS-1 to my system.

Jeff Mackwood