As with any product, process or system, a balance is struck between what is possible, what is practical, and what something costs – at least this is true for those of us with less than multiple millions to spend on our audio gear.

I have no problem with something like the SMS-1 or built in auto-EQ except: I always want more. I want the whole central area of my room to sound good, not just a ‘sweet spot,’ not to mention how the sound carries to adjacent rooms. I run ‘stereo’ subs, not just dual mono, that are set up near-mirror – intentionally shifted in an attempt to let the room nulls of one sub be somewhat filled in by the positive nodes of the other and this does happen to some degree – so I would “need” two SMS-1 units for individual correction. Some people run a ‘musical’ sub, or multiple subs that carry main program material below the crossover point selected, plus a separate LFE-only sub. I suppose that there are a few other hybrid subwoofer schemes out there that would also require multiple SMS-1 units.

In any case, I had to deal with subwoofer in-room-response issues before the SMS-1 became available and therefore, with careful placement and adjustment, I have obtained a certain amount of ‘sub satisfaction’ without the SMS-1. Might two SMS-1’s help my situation? Perhaps. I’m just not sure that there’s enough ‘bang for the buck,’ or ‘two bucks,’ in my situation.

Still, I’m glad that Outlaw is offering an increasing stable of products to meet a variety of needs and that many people may derive benefit from an SMS-1. Perhaps a bit further down the trail I’ll try one.