Back again with another question smile

What I'd like to do is use a "second zone" of sorts with the 1070 to power outdoor patio speakers. Assuming the 7.1 inputs are otherwise not in use, suppose I connect just the SBR and SBL 7.1 inputs to my source (in this case a Squeezebox 3) and connect the speaker outputs for SBR and SBL to the patio speakers. In normal use the regular 5.1 speakers would be active, but if I switch the source selector to 7.1, then the outdoor speakers are active with the signal fed by the Squeezebox. I realize I would be limited to that single source, but in my case that's fine. Should this work alright or am I missing something here?

The reason I'm considering this setup is because I was thinking about the inevitable replacement of my 1070 for HT duties and considering selling my RR2150 instead of the 1070 when the time comes (the RR2150 currently powers the patio speakers via the 'B' speakers) thinking the RR2150 might fetch more on the used market considering the poor resale value of A/V receivers in general. Also, I miss not having video switching on the RR2150 as my TV only has two inputs (and I have three sources so I end up swapping cables a lot).
