I haven't had the no audio issue for quite awhile. But I get the lock ups nearly every day. I had pre-ordered my 1070 and it has done it from the beginning. I had called Outlaw regarding this and the only thing we could ever come up with is re-flash the firmware. That's a lot of work, and I really got tired of doing it all the time so I don't. I've just got the family trained to shut it off and on till it works. I went just now to see what would happen. 3 turn ons before it initialized correctly. It will work now for the rest of the day. But it seems that if it is off for over a 24 hour period, it locks up the first time. Drives me crazy cause everyone always raves about how good this system sounds, up until the lockups show up. Btw, I am running the latest firmware. I really don't have a lot of time to figure it out and really don't want to do without it. But truly disappointed.

Sony KDS60A3000
Panasonic XP-50
Outlaw Audio 990 Receivers (2)
Outlaw Audio 7125 Amps (2)
Outlaw Audio 7125 Amplifier
Paradigm Studio 40's
Paradigm Studio CC
Paradigm ADP-470
2-SVS 20-39 / S700
Outlaw Audio X13 Ultra
Past Owner of:
Outlaw Audio 1050
OUtlaw Audio 1070
Outlaw Audio ICBM