I'm in total agreement with Mr. "psyprof1" (I'm sorry, I couldn't find the real name and be polite all the way) that my assessment about music carrying frequencies under 40Hz is rather quantitative than qualitative.
My intention was to say that audiophiles were happy with full-rangers for a long time, and the subwoofer in the home tends to be significantly more related to the home theater. Floor standers going down to 24Hz are fully capable of reproducing the fundamental of the lowest note of a grand piano, but they will fail (for they're not designed to) to reproduce the violent, coarse at times, sheer impact, low frequencies found in movies. LFE are a different animal, they're not music and have their definite role in home theater experience.
That's why I say "A sub is a must for home theater if the full impact of explosions and low frequency effects are to be had, but by no means a must for music, where good floor standers will shine". That's why it's difficult to find a good sub for music. Any sub can go "thump" and "boom", but by a large margin not all of them will be capable of a musical reproduction of the low frequencies.
When using the 1070 for music I can only imagine using analog inputs (coming from superior outboard DAC's) in stereo bypass mode, where the sub is out of the picture anyway and the mains are full rangers. Of course, 1070 may be used fed with digital signal for music as well, but then we're not talking audiophile grade DAC for the Cirrus Logic chip is not that.