I've almost conviced myself to get a 1070, but it will have to be in my system for sometime as it will be a big step up from what I would normally budget for a reciever.

It sounds like the video side is fairly safe. As long as I can convert HDMI to DVI and pass it through the 1070 and go back to HDMI, I should be able to connect to any display you can get for the foreseeable future.

I have less confidence in my knowledge aboout the audio side of things. The only 7.1 sources I might want HDMI 1.3 for are Blu-ray/HD-DVD, everything else can still be handled by toslink.

Will there be many HD players with 7.1 analog outputs? Or will it be skipped over almost entirely as soon as HDMI 1.3 products become more prevalent? I was expecting more of the current players to have these outputs, or will they come later? I don't expect to be buying an HD player for 2-3 years at least, so I would be shopping for a universal player some time from now and still need the 7.1 analog outputs and proper decoders. (I'm probably over-reacting, it looks like they're even putting composite video outputs on the back of blu-ray players! Who would use those?)

So the short and sweet of it is: Do you expect you will have to (not want to) upgrade beyond DVI and 7.1 analog-in in order to be able to take advantage of most new technology within the next 6-7 years?

Am I just being a nervous-nelly?

Thanks for your input!