Actually, that is the exact same receiver which I replaced with a 1070 when it was first released. While my results may differ from yours, since the speakers I use are all very efficient (Klipsch), I've never had any issues where I was hoping I had more power.

Besides that, the sound quality was really much better with the Outlaw. I think I posted in one of my original comments about it that I could finally hear how horrible some of my lower bitrate mp3 files sounded.

Finally, if you ever watch any analog channels over your receiver, I will say that DPLII is exponentially better than the old Pro Logic that the Sony has. I always used to feel like I was better off using stereo than Pro Logic with the old receiver, but now using DPLII, I can actually hear surround effects.

Edit: And as for what gonk said about the binding posts on the Outlaw, I totally agree. I bought a spool of 12 gauge speaker cable back when I had the Sony, and I remember having to actually use the wire strippers to pull off chunks of the copper cable in order to make it fit into the spring clips.