Originally posted by Belgand:
...I called earlier and spoke to Steve..... Apparently someone else had a problem with their video due to a bad ground on their satellite receiver coming through into their signal path.
That someone was me. I worked with Steve for weeks trying to resolve my problem. However, I still have the vertical hold problem.
To make a long story short (I hope), I moved into a new home. So I sort of completely changed out my entire stereo/HT system. I brought the 1070 about 3 months b4 the house was ready for me to move in, so it sat in my garage in the box during construction. Also, I had a 50" Toshiba plasma hung over the fireplace, Def Tech RLS II in-wall speakers installed, & I divorced myself from Comcast, by going w/DirecTV.
The day my local audio techs installed my in-wall speakers & plasma TV, the DirecTV technician was here installing the satellite. After hanging the plasma & installing the speakers, the audio guys couldn't get my 1070 to play. I couldn't either. I thought maybe I needed to calibrate/adjust/setup something first because it was new, so I told them to leave it, I'll figure it out later. Strangely enough, it played later after several power off & on's. Even until yesterday, occassionally I would still get the "no audio" problem (I just installed the new firmware, hopefully that solves that problem).
Back to the vertical hold issue. I begin to notice a scrolling color bar in my video. The video itself did not scroll, just a "reddish" color bar would continually scroll on the screen. However, this scrolling color band, only appears when playing the signal through my 1070. The local audio guys told me it was a grounding problem. So they gave me some 3-prong to 2-prong converters... that didn't work. I had DirecTV back out to rerun the cable from the Satellite to their box, which actually helped some, so I thought. Until last week I tried to watch a football game in surround sound mode, w/both the video & audio coming from the 1070. I immediately begin to get the scrolling color band. So now, I just don't view the video signal through the 1070. Although, Steve has been very helpful & I love the sound quality of the 1070, I still don't feel quite good about it.... Because of the "no audio" problem, I think I blew my in-wall Def-Tech speakers. One day I turned the 1070 on, to listen to a CD, but I got no audio. So I turned up the volume, still no audio... then I switch inputs... still no audio.... turned up volume some more... still no audio... so I powered it down & back up.... boy did I get audio.... since that time I swear, the highs don't sound clear, they sound very static-like (i'm contacting my local audio guys to see what's up)... Prior to that I really loved the audio sound that I was getting from the 1070... I guess my overall dissatisfaction comes down to, I have a TV that's mounted on the wall, it's a chore to get to the inputs to make changes; speakers that are mounted in a wall, so if I have problems I have to call a technician for a home visit and possibly a carpenter; and an AVR that I brought off the Internet, the only technican is a voice over the phone...not someone that I could bring to my house to show my problems, or go to their store so I can be shown what to do. Then to top that off, I can't used the AVR for what it was intended (I can't pass the video signal to it)..
The best thing is Steve gave me the link to the saloon.. I will keep watching to see if someone post a resolution to the vertical hold issue.... I apologize for this being so long... But I've been holding in my frustration for so long....