Clearly I'm not the only one who's getting a little tired of waiting. Not even a single picture or spec about what's coming out? The auto makers understandably keep their new lines hidden until they're ready because they don't want the new/hot features copied, but so far we haven't heard of anything "new" that the other manufacturers haven't already done. Room optimizer? Done. 4 HDMI inputs? Done. USB ports for MP3 playback and firmware upgrades? Done. OSD over HDMI, XM support, Multi-room? Done, done, and done.
Don't get me wrong, I do like the look of their products, and the reviews are nothing less than stellar at the price point they were offered at, but this is taking so long that I'm not so sure I want to be an Outlaw owner anymore. The opposite would be to have new versions released every 6 months, and that too would suck, but like everything else in life, everything in moderation is best. Can't they at least put out some details of what's coming out, if for nothing else, just to string me along for another few months??