I think you’ll find, at least for a while yet, that even those receivers that presently tout HDMI connections have yet to fully implement audio over HDMI as currently planned. Until the audio portion of the standard is established, recognized and finds its way into the market, any receiver purchased now will require plenty of audio cables in addition to video. In the meantime, HDMI and DVI are equivalent when used for the video signal.
As to the OSD, there are some receivers that convert their analog OSD signal to HDMI. I guess the question is, how often do you need to see the receiver’s OSD information? If you are a constant tweaker or you find that you nearly always have to manually select receiver modes, you may find that switching to an analog video format to see the OSD is a pain. If you only need to see the OSD for initial setup and occasionally later on for minor tweaks, looking at the analog input to your monitor for the OSD will suffice. There are still sources that provide analog signals and as a result many people still have an analog video connection to their monitor for those sources. In most cases there is no extra cabling required to view an analog-only OSD that a user wouldn’t have already installed for other reasons.
For your use, will the sonic and price point benefits of Outlaw equipment outweigh the lack of HDMI connectors and HDMI OSD? If you perform a search in this forum for HDMI, you will find a fair amount of debate on this very issue in quite a few other posts.