If you can stand to wade through the above thread there are some general and sporadic observations about Kilspch, - after I took the thread off course due to brain freeze syndrome. (Too many Outlaw marguerites).

I decided against Kilspch based on demo's of models available at the local retailers, (not their highest-end offernings). But these decisions are SO SUBJECTIVE and personal taste oriented as too make the purchase of any speaker system not subject to right or wrong Although there are some whom would beg to differ on a bose purchase

I rate these speakers higher if your listening time is divided with heavy emphasis on the HT side.
But that’s just personal observation and of no consequence to other ears. Klipsch appears to have decent market share on the forums…so I’d be willing to bet that many purchaser’s after careful listening found the sound well-suited to their tastes and current needs.

SH’s ‘horns’ would be the ones I would love to demo, tweaked by someone who has training and knowledge regarding the proper implementation of horns in speakers and the ability to (DIY) tweak out some of the disadvantages.

I know there are Klispch owners in the forum hopefully some will highlight their experinces.