I just received my SVS 2039pci last night. Great sounding sub! I now know what a real sub can do for movies! As for the negative, well, the only way to put it is...this thing is HUGE!!! I knew it would be roughly 39" tall. In addition, I viewed Gonk's page where he posted some great pictures, but there is no way to truly appreciate the sheer size of this thing until you get one in your home! It has to be the size of a 55 gallon drum of oil. It absolutely dominates the room and system. My set is pretty large to begin with...Mirage towers for mains and surrounds, 55" rptv, my living room is 28'x15' with a vaulted ceiling from 11' to 20', plus I was born/raised in Texas ! The bigger the better, right?

I guess my question for SVS owners is, does the "sticker shock" wear off over time? And for those who went in for the 1646 (good lord!) what did you think when you pulled it out of the box for the first time?

[This message has been edited by byrnebv (edited January 18, 2003).]