brubacca ,

i'm more into raw drivers,build my own cabinets.

i'm still workin' on designing x-overs,but the dayton 2-way seems to be a good starting point.

i'm into the 'reference' line from dayton.aluminum cast basket,aluminum(black anodized) cone,solid alum. phase plug.....

click below on 'blade' those are my prototypes.

save time. laugh these are my first homemade speakers.designed ALOT of sub boxes.
(use arrows to scan ahead)

call them 000001 & 000002.

and yeah,these things SMOKE my 601s.

laugh cool i am very proud.(this time)!!!!

yes,don't rub your eyes.that is (or are) 2 audio control c-101 eqs.mostly for future use but i thought:why not, got a one is room response(mic)