Thanks as well Scott!

"On the 1070 you'll need to make sure you are not set to the multi-channel inputs when calibrating as the internal test tones will be affected by the rear panel bass management switch. "

OOppps.. And my ICBM was initially in line there to boot... Now there's an eye opener. I don't remember being in that mode but all my initial listening was with some DVD-a's. Back to the tones...

I should mention in all fairness that my listening room is 28x32. And even though that does present some challenges, the 1070 has had NO trouble filling the room with sound, and the room next to it, and the, well you get the picture.. Also, I have purchased a second sub (20-39) to hook to the unused side of my Samson amp. So that should help. There goes the neighborhood :-)

Sony KDS60A3000
Panasonic XP-50
Outlaw Audio 990 Receivers (2)
Outlaw Audio 7125 Amps (2)
Outlaw Audio 7125 Amplifier
Paradigm Studio 40's
Paradigm Studio CC
Paradigm ADP-470
2-SVS 20-39 / S700
Outlaw Audio X13 Ultra
Past Owner of:
Outlaw Audio 1050
OUtlaw Audio 1070
Outlaw Audio ICBM