I just got my 1070 and started calibrating it the other day.
I've read other posts about not being able to reach 75dB, etc while adjusting speaker levels. I'm getting similar results, sort of. Using DVE through my DVD player connected to Coax 1, I have to set my levels to +6/+7 to reach ~73dB at 0dB on the 1070 volume. The odd thing is that is with the OSD saying Dolby Dig EX, which the 1070 automatically selects. BTW, I have just 5 speakers (Front - Paradigm Monitor 5 v.3, Center - Paradigm CC-170 v.3, Surr - Mini Monitors v.2). If I manually change the Dolby mode to just Dolby Dig, the speaker levels read ~3dB lower on my meter, without me having changed anything. Set this way, I would not be able to reach 75dB while the 1070 is at 0dB. I guess I could go higher...
My next issue is Sub output. I used the old VE, not DVE, to calibrate my sub to match my other speakers. That seemed to work out fine. But, while listening to any 2CH source in Stereo (tried CD, my Squeezebox 2, and even the Tuner) the sub much too soft. I wouldn't have known it was on if I didn't see the amp's light go green. My CD and SB2 are using digital ins so I wasn't in Bypass mode. BTW, I left the 2Ch Sub Offset at 0. When I toggled the Stereo mode to 5 Stereo, I could easily hear the sub.
I think that's about all for now. No one else has any of these issues? Especially with 2Ch Stereo? Where do you calibrate your reference level at on the 1070's dial? 0dB? Are your sub levels oddly lower than expected?
EDIT: Forgot to mention my 5 speakers are set to Small w/ the X-over at 80Hz.