Hey Javachip -

I too had an Adcom TPA500 (still in good shape and to be sold if I can find a taker), though not the II version, and now I have the 990. I agree with Ritz about the 990's sound being a lot better: at least as good in the midrange, more detail in the highs, and startlingly more transparent - and deeper - in the bass. All this also applies to the phono preamp, though this may not be important to you since there's no record player on your list. The Adcom may pull in more FM stations but I'm not about to go through the agony of changing units to find out, and the 990 does nicely with all the (classical, NPR, and occasionally Pacifica) FM stations I listen to. In my home the FM is on more than anything else, and I have no complaints there except not being able to see a signal strength display, and that was just curiosity.

Moral: if the 1270 has anything like the front-end quality of the 990, you will have no reason to regret retiring the Adcom. The state of the art has really improved.

Let us all know how you like it when you take the plunge!