Well you guy's are most likely right however there is a potentional 6dB gain in amplitude when feeding the two LFE inputs on the Sub with a Splitter and I suspect my friend thinks that by splitting out of the single LFE on the receiver he's created a parallel circuit and thus affected overall resitance and thus signal strength and is viewing the two splitters at the Subs as a way to compensate. There is no doubt that thinking about this gets the Ol' Eyebrows Twitching but it does make for interesting discussion. smile

Originally posted by painttoad:
my sub amp(before i smoked it) only had l&r inputs,no lfe and there was much more gain running a splitter and connecting both.

are there really subs with 2 LFE inputs?if so,why?
Yes, my sub for example has two LFE Low Pass inputs, you'd use the "Left" for a single LFE however the two may be there for runing inbetween a Pre-Pro but I'm not sure. There have been recommendations to use a splitter at these two Inputs for Subs that have an Auto-On circuit that's not sensitive to operate with the single LFE input. Using a splitter sends the same Signal to the two inputs and has the same affect of a 6dB channel level gain in signal.

at least this is my story... and I'm sticking to it smile
Best Regards; Snarl

Another Guy From Canada
Outlaw 990 Preamp/Processor
Outlaw 755 Amplifier
2 x Paradigm Monitor 11's Mains
2 x Paradigm Monitor 7's Surrounds
1 x Paradigm CC-370 Center
1 x Paradigm PW-2100 Sub