I have the same issue with my Motorola DCt-6208. The levels are so far down in the dirt that I can turn the volume up all the way and only be at a moderate level of volume. I notice this mainly on the digital music channelsand a couple of the HDTV channels. I think it was a major cause of my low end issues in the beginning of owning to 1070. I'm not sure there's much I can do about it. There is now an upgrade to the 6412 so wonde if that would make a difference.

Sony KDS60A3000
Panasonic XP-50
Outlaw Audio 990 Receivers (2)
Outlaw Audio 7125 Amps (2)
Outlaw Audio 7125 Amplifier
Paradigm Studio 40's
Paradigm Studio CC
Paradigm ADP-470
2-SVS 20-39 / S700
Outlaw Audio X13 Ultra
Past Owner of:
Outlaw Audio 1050
OUtlaw Audio 1070
Outlaw Audio ICBM