This is the one thing I keep checking daily for. I should be picking up my 1070 from where I had it delivered on Tuesday, but I've been checking constantly at the Harmony website to see if the codes are up yet.
Opened a ticket with the Outlaw's and they said they will route my request to the proper Outlaw to see about getting the codes to Harmony. Hopefully we will see something soon.
I noticed something is posted online now, but it seems to be missing quite a few buttons. I had to manually add the 7.1 button, and there was no option for Video 4. It seems to me that someone just did everything manually.
Has anyone talked with Outlaw about updating the codes? I was thinking on purchasing a Harmony because I can't seem to get any of the codes I enter into the 1070 remote to control my Denon-2910 and my Echostar HD receiver. I've looked on a couple of websites and also called Outlaw as well.
I am also wanting to eliminate some video anomalies I am getting by running all of the video through the 1070. The connections appear to add distortion like a loose connection might (crosstalk?). Anyone else experiencing this? By using the Harmony, I was hoping to run the video directly to my monitor and use the macros in the Harmony to change the video input selection as I change formats.