Any thoughts about #'s 1 or 2?

1) I live in an apt and although I like to listen to my music loudish, the power I have now has been more tha ample. I'm even thinking that "downgrading" to 65W should be fine to drive my 7.1 Monitor bronze series speakers. If not, how much would it help to keep the 7100 and have that amp drive them? Should I just wait and see if I hear an audible difference?

2) I AM very excited to "upgrade" to the benefits of the 1070, including DVI switching. Given that I have a plasma I'd like to use strictly as a monitor and ( currently have to switch from component to S-Video on my plasma which is a huge pain), what is the best setup possible for running a newer DVD player and MOXI cable box with DVI out? I'm thinking Moxi should be DVI/coax, and DVD should be component/coax? Or should I get one of those newer high-def DVD players that have DVI-out? And is it consdiered higher quality to bypass the digital inputs for DVD and let the player doe the processing instead of the 1070? To reiterate, most important to me are a) convenience and b) quality of signal.