Originally posted by gwhunran:
Thanks for the input. I have searched around on the internet for info on the products mentioned in the replies and found substantial amounts of data. Unfortunatly, the B&W and Paradigms are not available through the internet and can only be purchased from "authorized dealers," as new products.
I guess I look at it differently. While there IS some...er...corporate...er...protection, (all right, good old boys network.) Most of the sterio dealers in my area have been VERY good with "cutting me a deal". We have the information on the web for what people across the nation pay, and can often use that to our leverage. If someone is trying to get full MSP for something, go to audio review, see what seems to be the going rate, and feel free to haggle.
To me, personaly I'ld rather see my local shop get my cash and business, then sending it to a "big name" dealer (circut city, best buy) or to Wal-Mart...who's sole goal seems to be cutting out local businesses by extreme price cutting. I'm also a little leary of online businesses. Some are quite solid, some are shady.
Case in point. When I was first looking at speakers I was rather impressed with the JBL studio series, and originaly wanted to pick up a set of JBL S314. Best buy was asking $1,400 for the pair. However I found them online through various places for $800 a pair. However, after listening to them, and them listening to the Paridigms...well lets say I wound up spending tacking on an extra six months on my hunt for "THE" speakers for my system.
Yes, the big names can gouge, but like I said...I'm willing to keep my local boys in business...especially when they seem to be in line with the "competitive" prices that I find on the web.
My 2 cents.