
If you are going to get a new video display (HDTV), as most of us will HAVE TO within the next 36 months as we ramp up to the "analog turn-off", you'll find that something along the lines of a 990 will be KEY to your system, for the lip sync delay, if nothing else. Don't fixate on the HDMI stuff we're batting back and forth in the 990 section here. Use the DVI switching in the 990 with one of their DVI to HDMI cables on the output and you'll be just fine. An optical or coax digital cable from sources for digital audio will be just fine.

By the time the HDMI thing DOES settle down, it's a fair bet that the Outlaws will strike with something that accomodates it. They guessed right when they were among the first with 6.1 in a receiver, and from all appearanced, the 990 and their amps are among the best buys around. If the HDMI thing STILL bugs you, you can buy 990 with one of their ampps and either use the TV's switching or buy an external HDMI switcher. (You'll find that the latter will give you NO benefit over using the dual-format cables and the 990 at this time.)